The first edition of WearRAcon Europe took place at the Fraunhofer IPA in Stuttgart on November 19 and 20, 2019.
The presence of 16 exhibitors and more than 30 very informative lectures on industrial, medical, and military exoskeletons helped make the first WearRAcon Europe an exciting event, which attracted around 120 visitors. Fraunhofer IPA and the University of Stuttgart’s Institute of Industrial Manufacturing and Management IFF organized this European version of WearRAcon, in close collaboration with the global exoskeleton interest group, the Wearable Robotics Association (WearRA) in Phoenix, Arizona (USA).
Dr. Joe Hitt, Managing Director of WearRA, and Dr. Urs Schneider, head of the Dpt. Biomechatronic Systems at Fraunhofer IPA and Conference Chair, opened the event. Dr. Jan Veneman, coordinator of the COST Action Wearable Robots (wearablerobots.eu), greatly supported the organization of the conference. On the second day, end users, researchers, and exoskeleton manufacturers enjoyed the hands-on testing possibilities in various production and logistic scenarios, including overhead work as well as lifting and handling tasks. The room was full of end-users and exhibitors testing devices and networking.